Ce lo siamo sentite chiedere spesso negli ultimi anni, soprattutto dopo l’arrivo di Còralin. Abbiamo creato qualcosa di nuovo, l’avete accolto con entusiasmo e vi siete affezionati. Quella ventata d’aria fresca ha scaldato i cuori. Un attimo prima c’era il timore d’aver fatto bene, un istante dopo era cosa ci proporrete il prossimo anno? Vi […]
Two finely selected wines for the 2018 MM ArtCollection
The two finely selected wines in question are Nini 2017 and San Fermo 2016. These two wines are the protagonists of the MMArt Collection 2018, the niche collection from the Marcello Marchesini winery, that are beautifully painted by hand each year by an Italian artist called Silvia Vicenza . After the success of the previous […]
The Consolidated Text on the Vines and Wines: less bureaucracy for the producers
A huge request from all the experts in the sector and by the major representative organisations of the producers, the Consolidated Text on Vines and Wines could be operational as early as the next harvest. With the aim of simplifying the wine supply chain and streamline the bureaucracy linked to the cultivation of the vines, […]