The access and use of the website (the Website) are disciplined by these terms of use (the Terms of Use). The access and use of this Website are based on the assumption that these Terms of Use have been read, known and accepted by the user of the Website (the User).

The Website is managed by Soc. Agr. Marchesini Marcello di Marchesini Erika s.s., in the person of its authorised representative, with registered office in Lazise (VR), Via Valesana 35, VAT number 04397220239 (We or Marchesini Family).

If you need any assistance, you can find us at the addresses indicated in the footer of the Website or use the form in the Contact section.

Any total or partial amendments or updates to these Terms of Use will be binding upon publication on the Website. We therefore ask you that you regularly access this section of the Website to check for the publication of the most recent and up-to-date Terms of Use. If you do not agree to all or part of the Terms of Use, please do not use our Website.

Users are exclusively and solely liable for their use of the Website and its contents. Marchesini Family shall not be considered liable for any use of the Website and its contents by any of its Users that is not compliant with the laws and regulations in force. The User will specifically be liable for communicating information or data which is incorrect, false, or concerning third parties without the latter’s consent, as well as for any improper use of such data or information.

Since all material contained on the Website will be downloaded or obtained otherwise at the User’s own risk, the User is responsible for any damage to computer systems or loss of data as a consequence of downloading content from the Website, and therefore no liability shall be attributed to Marchesini Family.

Marchesini Family accepts no responsibility for any damage resulting from inaccessibility to Website services or from damage caused by viruses, corrupt files, errors, omissions, service interruptions, content deletion, problems with the network, with providers or telephone and/or data transmission connections, unauthorised access, data alteration, failure and/or malfunction of the User’s electronic equipment.

Lastly, the User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and the proper use of his or her personal information and is also responsible for any damage or harm which might arise against Marchesini Family or third parties as a result of the User’s improper use, loss, or removal of such information.

Privacy Policy

We recommend that you read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. These documents will help you understand how Marchesini Family collects and uses your personal data, as well as which data We use, for what purposes, and what measures We take to protect personal data.

These Policies also apply to Users who access the Website without communicating any additional information through the Contacts, Newsletter or Wine Tasting forms.

Intellectual Property Rights and Use of Trademarks

The Website’s contents, including but not limited to, works, images, pictures, music, sounds, videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos and any other material published on the Website, in whatever form, including web pages, graphics, colours, schemes, tools, the Website’s font and design, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions, and software which are part of the Website, are protected by intellectual property rights.

The reproduction, wholly or in part, and in any form whatsoever, of the Website and of its content is forbidden without Marchesini Family’s written consent.

Marchesini Family has the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit any reproduction, be it direct or indirect, temporary, or permanent, or in any other manner or form, in whole or in part, of the Website and its contents. As far as the use of the Website is concerned, the User is only authorised to view the Website and its contents. The User is also authorised to carry out all the other temporary acts of reproductions, other than for commercial or business purposes, which are transient or incidental, integral, and essential part of viewing the Website and its contents, as well as to browse the Website for the lawful use of the Website and its contents.

The User is not authorised to reproduce the Website and its contents by any means or in any form, neither in whole nor in part. Any reproduction must be authorised each time by Marchesini Family in writing or, if necessary, by the authors of the works published on the Website.

Such reproductions must be carried out for lawful purposes in compliance with the intellectual property rights of Marchesini Family and of the authors of the works published on the Website. The individual authors of works published on the Website are entitled at any time to claim the authorship of their work and to object to any distortion or modification of the works, including any damage to the works which may harm their honour or reputation.

The User is not authorised, except with the written consent of Marchesini Family and of any other owner of trademarks published on the Website, to use those trademarks to distinguish products or services, including products or services not similar to those indicated on the Website.

Contents of the Website

Marchesini Family has made all efforts to prevent the publication on the Website of content describing or representing scenes or situations of physical and psychological violence or which, according to the sensitivity of the Website’s Users, might be considered detrimental to civil beliefs, human rights, and dignity.

In any event, Marchesini Family does not warrant that the contents of the Website are appropriate or lawful in other countries, outside Italy. If such contents are deemed unlawful or illegal in the country in which you are accessing the Website, please do not access our Website. If you choose to access the Website regardless, We hereby inform you that your use of services provided by the Website shall be your exclusive and personal responsibility.

Marchesini Family has also adopted measures to ensure that the content of the Website is accurate and does not contain any incorrect or out-to-date information in relation to the date of their publication on the Website and also, as far as possibly, subsequently. Marchesini Family, however, accepts no liability towards Users for the accuracy and completeness of the content published on the Website, without prejudice to the applicability of mandatory provisions of law.

Operation of the Website

Marchesini Family cannot guarantee that the Website will operate continuously, without interruptions or without errors or malfunctioning linked to Internet connection. In the event of a problem in using the Website, please contact us at the addresses indicated in the footer of the Website or use the form in the Contacts section.

In any case, we advise you to contact your Internet services provider and check that the device and/or browser for Internet connection and web content access are correctly activated. Although Marchesini Family will try to do everything possible to ensure regular access to its Website, the dynamic nature of the Internet and its contents may not allow the Website to operate without any suspensions, interruptions or discontinuity, including those due to the need for updates.

Marchesini Family has implemented technical and organisational measures to protect the security of the Website and the integrity of traffic data and electronic communications, as well as to prevent the risk of dissemination, destruction and loss of data and confidential/non-confidential information, and to prevent unauthorised or unlawful access to such data and information.

Links to other websites

The Website may contain hyperlinks (the Links) to other websites which are in no way connected to the Website or with Marchesini Family.

Marchesini Family neither controls nor performs monitoring operations of these websites and their content. Therefore, Marchesini Family may not be held liable for the content of these websites and the rules adopted by them, including as concerns the processing of personal data. We thus ask you to pay attention when you connect to these websites through the Links and that you carefully read their conditions of use and privacy policies.

We remind you that the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy of this Website do not apply to websites operated by third parties.

The Links have the sole purpose of facilitating Users in searching and browsing. The existence of Links does not entail any recommendation or notification from Marchesini Family to access and navigate on these websites, nor any guarantee as to their contents, goods or services provided and sold through them.

Prevalent Language, Governing Law, and Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use are drafted in both Italian and English. In case of discrepancies between the two versions, the Italian language version shall prevail.

Subject to the application of non-derogable rules of European origin for the protection of consumers, where applicable, these Terms of Use shall be governed by Italian Law.

For all disputes arising from or in any way related to these Terms of Use, the court of the place of domicile or residence of the consumer, as determined by the applicable law, shall have jurisdiction, provided that the User qualifies as a consumer. In all other cases, or at the consumer’s choice, exclusive jurisdiction shall be conferred to the Court of Verona.